February 2009
February 1, 2009
What’s Blooming February
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii
This Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii has one branch that has become distorted. This particular type of distortion is called “fasciation,” and it occurs when the cells at the growing tips of plants grow abnormally. This bizarre yet beautiful distortion occurs rarely in plants, and can be the result of insect damage, the effects of chemicals, physical damage, or natural mutation. Sometimes fasciated plants that are stable are sought out as desirable collector’s items. These plants are sometimes referred to as “cristate,” a term derived from the Latin word for a rooster’s comb.
Prunus x blireiana
Prunus x blireiana is a hybrid between Prunus mume and Prunus cerasifera 'Atropurpurea'
Silver Cloud
Michelia doltsopa 'Silver Cloud' located across from the Meyberg Waterfall.