Planned Giving - The Arboretum
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A Gift that is Larger than Life!

Generations of Southern Californians have been enjoying the Arboretum, returning for decades to see the iconic peacocks, to marvel at the wildlife gracing Baldwin Lake and our 127 acres, to enjoy the pink trumpet tree in full bloom as it heralds the arrival of spring, or to attend myriad of year-round events, education classes, concerts, art exhibits, and so much more. The deep connection that so many feel about our treasured Arboretum has inspired families to consider ways to ensure it thrives into the future.

Planned Gifts enable donors to make a gift that is larger than life. The impact of that gift can also be tremendous on the gardens and our many educational programs. Estate-related gifts are a simple and meaningful way to support the nonprofit Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation, which co-manages the Arboretum with the LA County Department of Parks and Recreation as part of a vital public/private partnership. When the Arboretum Foundation was founded in 1948, the county recognized the importance of the Foundation which relies on philanthropic support to sustain the Arboretum.

We hope you will consider a planned gift to the Arboretum which allow you to:

• Support a cause that is important to you.
• Put assets to work with tax-efficient charitable strategies.*
• Leave a legacy for the future.

In so doing, you would qualify for The Samuel Ayres Legacy Society (see brief description below).

The Samuel Ayres Legacy Society

This is a legacy recognition group that honors Dr. Samuel Ayres Jr. who was a visionary and the driving force in the establishment of the Arboretum and who subsequently made a gift in his will for the Arboretum. The Samuel Ayres Legacy Society recognizes all those forward-thinking individuals and families who share Ayres’ vision of a great public garden and have made the Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation part of their legacy though a planned gift. Gifts can be in any amount, revocable or irrevocable, using a variety of gift options. Members of the society are recognized in our Members Magazine and website, knowing that their gift will inspire others OR they may choose to remain anonymous. Our Legacy Society list here.

Information for planned gifts

Legal Name: Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation, Inc.
Address: 301 North Baldwin Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007
Tax ID: 95-1582650

Ways to Give

Gift in Your Will or Living Trust

The most common planned gift is a bequest in a will or trust that can be changed should circumstances change. There are no limitations on bequests and there are several different types:

• A specific dollar amount.
• A percentage of your estate; the amount adjusts automatically.
• The residue of your estate after bequests for loved ones have been fulfilled.
• A bequest of real estate or property. If interested in a bequest of property, please contact the Arboretum Development Office prior to making estate planning arrangements to ensure your thoughtful gift can be accepted.

Sample Bequest Language:
I give, devise and bequeath _______________ (insert amount, % of estate, % of residue of estate, or specific named property) to the Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation Inc., or its successor organization (Tax ID #: 95-1582650), a nonprofit corporation as described in section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and located at 301 N. Baldwin Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 to be used to fulfill the Arboretum’s mission to: cultivate our natural, horticultural, and historic resources for learning, enjoyment and inspiration.

Legacy Gift Advisor Sheet here

Retirement Plans
Name the Arboretum Foundation as beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement account (for example, 401(k), 403(b) or IRA. You simply name us as a beneficiary on a designation form. This gift method is very tax efficient both for giving during life or after passing.

Life Insurance
Name the Arboretum Foundation as beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA)
With a CGA you make an initial contribution in return for guaranteed fixed income—part of which is tax-free—based on your age to the nearest birthday and receive a charitable deduction when you establish the annuity. A CGA can be established through a community foundation for the benefit of the Arboretum.

Savings and Investment Accounts
You can name the Arboretum Foundation as beneficiary of a savings or investment account through a “pay on death” provision.

If you have already included the LA Arboretum Foundation in your will or estate plan, please let us know.

Have questions or need additional information? We are happy to help!

Please contact: Sylvia Rosenberger, Chief Development Officer, at 626.821.3232 or

*Your planned gift may have important tax and legal consequences. Please consult with your financial and legal advisors.

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© 2024 Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden • 626.821.3222 • 301 North Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA 91007

© 2023 Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens

Phone: 626.821.3222

301 N. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA, 91007