July 31, 2009
What’s Blooming August
Amaryllis belladonna is a bulb found wild on the southern side of the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa. Its habit of producing solitary stalks of pink flowers at a time when its only other above-ground parts, its leaves, are dormant and nowhere to be seen has given it a rather racy common name -the ‘Naked lady.’
Its penchant for ‘nudity’ and its fragrant long-lasting flowers have made this plant a favorite of hobbyists since the late 19th century, and as a result ‘Naked ladies’ have been crossed so many times over the years that determining the parentage of some of them is impossible. The Arboretum's mass plantings of Amaryllis belladonna are located near the southwest corner of the African section, and should be in full bloom by mid-to-late August.
Amaryllis belladona in bloom at the Arboretum.
Stenocarpus sinuatus, commonly called the 'Fire wheel' tree, is native to Australia and New Caladonia. It's radial blooms are a bright crimson orange. Its flowers attract hummingbirds, and in its native Australia, bats. A copious producer of nectar, Stenocarpus flowers were sucked on by the aborigines as a source of sugar. Stenocarpus sinuatus is located on the eastern tip of Tallac knoll just south of the herb garden.