June 1, 2009
What’s Blooming June
Jacaranda mimosifolia
“June Gloom” is the phrase used to describe the morning low clouds that are common here in Southern California from May to early July. It's this weather that favors the flowering of Jacaranda mimosifolia, a lavendar flowering South American tree that has been planted all over the L.A. basin.
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Acacia visco
Another South American native that is blooming profusely now, Acacia visco, west of the Bauer lawn.
Acacia visco
Fragrant Acacia visco flowers
Duranta repens
This weeping shrub, commonly known as “Sky flower” is native to North and South America. The plant produces allelopathic compouds, i.e. substances that inhibit the growth of other plants around it.
Duranta repens in the Kallam garden