Friday, July 6; 5:00PM - 6:00PM
Spindles 100: Hers
About This Event
A collective art work in which 50 women were invited to put their own hand prints on two white textile sculptures using red paint. The art installation by Valerie Daval involves 100 textile sculptures made of white fabric used to create sewing patterns. The artist created contemporary shapes that suggest tree seed pods (like the Kapok), chrysalises, distaffs or spindles. Distaff and spindle are old instruments used for spinning of natural fibers. They symbolize exclusively feminine work as well as life and time. The motif of hand prints has been present in the artist’s work for several years, as both subject and tool for painting. Hand prints are both individual and universal symbol for humanity and demonstrate memories of touch and our collective unconscious.
On Saturday, July 7 at 3pm, there will be dance and music presentation by two women who participated in the art installation. Mary Frances Spencer will play quartz crystal singing bowls and other instruments for a tonal one hour concert inviting us into a meditative journey. Dancer Jacquie Beaubien will improvise mindfulness movements with the art installation.