The Arboretum is home to plant collections from all over the world, including many rare and endangered species. The garden also is the site of historical architectural landmarks representative of major phases of California history.
Gardens & Landscapes
Paths will take you through our many gardens and landscapes.
Historic Structures
The structures include a Mexican-era adobe, an 1890s train station, Native American shelter and Elias J. Baldwin's Queen Anne Cottage.
Our History
Learn about the early occupants of the land and more.
Bloom Calendar
At any time of the year, you’ll find a variety of colorful flowers blooming. This list indicates what’s blooming by season and shows the location of plants in parentheses.
Plant Collections
The collections are composed of plants from all over the world.
Baldwin Lake
Baldwin Lake is a beloved and magnificent part of the Arboretum.
Crescent Farm
The regenerative landscape of Crescent shows how topographical changes help conserve water, build healthy soil, and create rich, biodiverse habitat.
Ask An Expert
Frank McDonough, the Arboretum's botanical information consultant, will take your questions.