Saturday, March 29; 7:30PM - 9:00PM
Adult Night Hike: The Luck of the Garden
About This Event
March 29th
Celebrate the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day with an enchanting night hike through the garden, as we uncover the magic of lucky plants and the fascinating tales behind plants believed to bring good fortune, health, and protection.
From the protective powers of garlic and rosemary to the luck of four-leaf clovers and the charm of lucky bamboo, discover the plants that have captivated cultures for centuries.
*This program is for adults 18 years and up.
*Advance online registration is required for Adult Night Hikes. We do not allow any drop-ins or walk-ups. Please arrive 10 minutes before class to ensure you are not left behind! Refunds will not be granted to registered guests who miss the class due to tardiness.
*Class will be subject to cancellation due to weather-related concerns.
More Information
Advance online registration is required for Adult Night Hikes. We do not allow any drop-ins or walk-ups. Please arrive 10 minutes before class to ensure you are not left behind! Refunds will not be granted to registered guests who miss the class due to tardiness.
*Class will be subject to cancellation due to weather-related concerns.
Cancellation & Refund Policy:
Cancellations must be requested in advance of one week prior to the program start date in order to qualify for a refund. Cancellations requested within 7 days of the class start date will not qualify for a refund. The Arboretum does not offer credit or reschedules for missed classes. If you are unable to cancel within the required refund window, please consider your program fee a donation to the garden. Your registration confirms your understanding of and agreement with this policy.
Please call the Education Department at 626.821.4623 or email at