Saturday, September 29; 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Aromatic Plants and Flowers
About This Event
Instructor: Laramee Haynes
Saturday, September 29, 2018 10am-12pm
We know many flowers smell, but so do many leaves especially when rubbed. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme are joined in harmony with Lavender, Bay, Myrtle, and Breath of Heaven. This workshop will lead you on a smell safari through some of our best and worst smelly plants. This is a great workshop for kids to learn about plants too. Please bring smelly leaves and flowers from your garden you would like to share. Smelly plants will also be for sale. A plant list will also be provided.
Laramee Haynes is a garden designer, landscape contractor and frequent speaker at the arboretum. Laramee and his company, Haynes Landscape Design, have been designing and building gardens in the Pasadena area for over 17 years.
$25 Arboretum members / $35 non-members (Includes Arboretum Admission)
Questions? Please call the Education Department at 626.821.4623
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$25 Arboretum members / $35 non-members (Includes Arboretum Admission)
To Register please call the Education Department at 626.821.4623 or pay at the class