Sunday, June 15; 9:00AM - 4:00PM
LAIFS Annual Fern and Exotic Plant Show & Sale
Located in Ayres Hall
About This Event
The two-day show presented by the Los Angeles International Fern Society features displays of more than: 60 varieties of ferns; and 70 exotic and rare species of other type plants.
Vendors showcased in front of Ayres Hall will be selling orchids, carnivorous plants, bromeliads, cacti, cycads, palms, epiphyllum, tillandsia, terrarium plants, begonias and tree ferns. Other featured vendors will have handcrafted pottery items, home and garden décor, and art for sale to name a few.
Take time to sit and enjoy free workshops and lectures held each day.
Included in paid admission
Arboretum members free
More Information
Purchase tickets online.