Saturday, September 24; 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Garden Design Workshop
About This Event
Instructor: Laramee Haynes
Saturday, September 24 2016, 10am – 12noon
$25 Arboretum members / $35 non-members (Includes Arboretum Admission)
Please call the Education Department at 626.821.4623
Walking through a beautiful garden is like walking through art. This workshop will cover the basics of garden design and how artistic principles such as color, contrast and form can be applied. Front gardens with little or no lawn will be the focus. Often these gardens look cluttered and confusing. Photos of gardens will be used to lead a lively discussion about how the gardens could be improved.
Laramee Haynes is a garden designer, landscape contractor and frequent speaker at the arboretum. Laramee and his company, Haynes Landscape Design, have been designing and building gardens in the Pasadena area for over 15 years.
$25 Arboretum members / $35 non-members (Includes Arboretum Admission)
More Information
Instructor: Laramee Haynes
Please call the Education Department at 626.821.4623