Members Appreciation Event: Forest Bathing with Ben - The Arboretum
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Tuesday, January 26; 8:00AM - 9:00AM

Members Appreciation Event: Forest Bathing with Ben

About This Event

January is Member Appreciation Month.  Our month-long member celebration is returning with special offers throughout the month of January!

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To thank members for their tremendous year-round support, the Arboretum is offering complimentary Wellness Classes*.

Tuesday Jan 26, 8am
Forest Bathing with Ben

Inspired by the Japanese practice of shinrin yoku, Forest Bathing has been scientifically proven to boost immune strength, reduce stress, and improve cognitive functioning. But beyond these physiological changes, Forest Bathing also offers us the opportunity to deepen our relationship with the natural world. By slowing down and carefully observing with all our senses, we may begin to notice incredible things that may have eluded us for our whole lives. In escaping the rapid pace of our daily routines, we may find unparalleled beauty in the moment and in doing so, relax into the beauty all around us.

*One wellness class per member, you must be an active member during the time of the class.  Classes limited to 15 and masks and social distancing required.  Please note classes may be canceled due to public health concerns or mandates.  For questions please call the membership office at 626.821.3233.

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© 2024 Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden • 626.821.3222 • 301 North Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA 91007