Saturday, January 30; 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Zoom! What I’ve learned in 40 years of growing roses, Steve Gerischer
Located in Zoom
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Steve Gerischer on “Rose Care Throughout the Years: What I’ve Learned in 40 years of Growing Roses.”
Steve Gerischer, who self-identifies as a “recovering rose addict,” has gardened in Southern California all his life. Don’t miss his virtual talk Saturday, January 30, 2021; 10am-noon. Members free (sign-in required for no-fee registration); $10 non-member.
The past president of the Southern California Horticultural Society (currently vice president) and the Pacific Horticulture Society has been giving presentations at the Arboretum for many years. In his new presentation on Zoom, Steve will discuss how to care for roses year around. His talk will include a rose pruning demonstration.
He started at Smith & Hawken, many years ago, and then worked at the highly regarded plant nursery Hortus in Pasadena where he was in charge of ordering bare-root roses for Hortus until the store closed in 2001. Steve taught for a number of years for the Covina Valley Adult Education System, providing instruction in basic gardening, and landscaping for the homeowner.
Steve has been designing and installing gardens for many years as owner of Larkspur Garden Designs, and does maintenance work when he needs to eat or pay bills. He does not recommend gardening as a profession unless you are used to hardship, angst, toil, pain and wondering how you can afford to eat and pay bills. Nevertheless, he is happiest in the garden.
Free for Arboretum members (sign-in required
$10 non-members