Zoom! Turning Your Garden into a Haven for Wild Birds - The Arboretum
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Saturday, November 6; 10:00AM - 12:00PM

Zoom! Turning Your Garden into a Haven for Wild Birds

About This Event

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Instructor: Scott Logan
Date: Saturday, November 6; 10am-12pm
Location: virtual, on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent out 24 hours before class. Email the Education Department at education@arboretum.org for inquiries.
Price: free for members, $10 non-members

Attracting wild birds into our gardens adds beauty in the way of life, color and song.  Wild birds also offer some of the best organic pest control available. But most birds are really not that interested in the “well pruned” and “non-native” urban landscapes. In this presentation, Scott will discuss what wild birds are looking for before settling down in new avian real estate. Different species exploit different niches and knowing what these differences are will help you create an attractive environment for these remarkable animals. As the saying goes, “build it and they will come”.


Scott Logan is a graphic artist and wildlife photographer with images appearing in books, magazines, and scientific periodicals. Scott is currently the Gottlieb Native Garden’s Naturalist, where he is documenting its wildlife, coordinating University research projects and monitoring the overall health of the garden. He is a collaborator with UC Davis’ Hummingbird Health Conservation Program and is working on his Federal Hummingbird Banding Permit. He is an active wildlife guide, with excursions focusing on bird life. Being born and raised in Los Angeles provided Scott an exceptional insight into its remarkable urban wildlife.


free for members
$10 non-members

More Information

Advance online registration required.

Cancellation & Refund Policy
The Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment or other circumstances which would make the class non-viable. If the Arboretum cancels a class, registrants will be offered a full refund. There are no refunds for cancellations within 7 days of the start of the class. For all other cancellations, your payment will be refunded minus a 10% processing fee.

*LATE ARRIVAL POLICY: Refunds will not be granted to registered guests who miss the class due to tardiness.

Questions? Please contact the Education Department at education@arboretum.org.

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