Online Library Exhibits

Snapshot Exhibition: Our Memories of the Land, the Place, the People and the Plants of the Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden
This exhibition was presented on the walls of the Arboretum Library when the Library was closed, because of the COVID-19 crisis in mid-March 2020. We encourage your continuing participation in our online exhibit. Email your images, memories, and descriptions to and they will be added to this permanent online exhibit. The older the pictures the better; the newer the snazzier. A story written in text would be wonderful as well. We would love to have you to share all your memories of the Arboretum to preserve this unusual time and our collective past.
February, 2012
Treasures of the Rare Book Collection – Plants of Mediterranean Climate Areas
The Arboretum Library houses a Rare Book collection featuring unique plant and historical materials going back to the 1500’s. This exhibition highlights plant images from those books and connects them to actual species currently available for viewing at the Arboretum. If you have a smartphone, you can take this tour in real time. The Rare Book Room is not open to the public, so here is an excellent opportunity to see some beautiful botanical illustrations from days past. You can view the exhibit here.
November, 2011
Early Fruit & Vegetable Seed Catalogs of Southern California: 1888 – 1945
The Arboretum Library has a large collection of southern California seed catalogs from the early 20th century, so we created an online exhibit to show you a sampling of what kinds of fruits and vegetables were being offered at the time. The exhibit features selected pages from over twenty nurseries in the southern California area displaying a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Highlights from the exhibit include pages from catalogs dating back to 1888 as well as examples of what to grow in your Victory Garden to help support the war. You can view the exhibit here: Early Fruit & Vegetable Seed Catalogs of Southern California.